Friday, April 30, 2004

From Death's Door to Home with Hope

Many thanks to the professional and patient minded staff at the Houston VA hospital.
Thanks to Telecare and their efforts.

My wife had called them, they advised calling 911
The Nurse ask to speak to me. I told her Nurse Lela Sanders we would drive to the emergency room there.
She said No! You might not make it.
I wasn't so sure about calling 911, she wanted to know why. I couldn't think of a good answer.

She told me I could, would lay there and die.
We called 911!
She called back in 5 minutes to inquire if they had arrived.

The local hospital was in contact with the Houston VA and followed their instructions.
After exam, x-rays and two units of blood I was transported to Houston.

At the emergency room there, installing a tube to pump blood from my stomach
I was taken to MICU where they gave me more blood and continued to pump blood out of me.
During my six days as a patient there I never found a disagreeable staff person.

A Special thanks to 3-B Nursing unit, all shifts for their care.
Many thanks to the Doctors, My personal Doctor!

I was placed on oxygen 24/7
They stopped my internal bleeding.

I was sent home with hope for the future.
Febuary 05 I will be 70 years old (young) thanks to the dedicated staff at a veterans Hospital.

MEDVAMC Houston Texas

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