Thursday, February 02, 2006

Right Hand of God

Right Hand of God leans on what many believe.
"An Open Letter to Crazy Muslims" Deals with who's tha boss! Them or ?
Current events you think about daily!

Religious Icons - Free to Caricature?
We Christians here in the US have to co-exist with anti-religion and anti-Christian zealots like the ACLU and suffer through offensive tripe from Hollywood like the now-cancelled Book of Daniel,

Muslims Against Free Speech
Do Muslims hate free speech? Well...maybe not symbolic speech like the murder of innocent human beings through suicide bombing, decapitating kidnapped peoples, terrorist attacks, burning and mutilating bodies, etc.
Here at home...NBC uses free speech to attack Christianity through mocking the Crucifixtion on "Will & Grace" to it's recently cancelled series, "The Book of Daniel"

Kill Those Who Insult the Prophet Muhammad
Iran Has Plans to Make Atomic Bomb

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