Sunday, December 18, 2005

Produce Market

While we sell home grown produce from our gardens we also buy from local farmers. Between times we use the Houston Farmers Mkt It's huge and has good produce from the valley of Texas and elsewhere. Texas Farmers Markets For other States, you might find Your's Here

Home grown is Best for several reasons. One of which is taste! Another, many of us don't use poisonous insecticides. You can pick and eat it right out of tha garden.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Makes bookmarking, using favorites a Joy to use.
A great tagging method plus you can get to your
bookmarks from any computer.

Does several things. Ya hav-ta-experience, see it!
I was subscribing to so many news letters soforth
It was exhauting. bloglines answered that concern
and others as well!

Gardening by charlie

Charlie's approach to gardening.
Lots of info about how why & when
Many links, pictures, Instruction.
Bugs, insects, damage done and how to cure or control.
Planting in containers, wide row, other methods!
If you garden, you can find an answer to a possible question.

Gardening & Selling Produce

I blog part time. Garden in season full time. Have Fun anytime!

I didn't start gardening to sell produce at our Produce Stand
Near as I remember, my first garden was a 'Victory Garden'
about 60 years ago.
If memory serves, I recall at least one seed sprouted.
Excited was an understatement. I still get excited seeing that today.

My continuing interest most likely was sparked by an uncle letting me plow behind his mule. My Grandfather had an old horse he plowed with and would let me help sometimes.

Most of 11 Aunts & Uncles did some farming or gardening.
They proved that something besides rocks would grow in that part of
SE Oklahoma
where there were no lakes, but lots of one room school houses.
Today; If you knew tha spot you might fish over my old school at Sardis Lake.

My favorite gardening forum is Dave's Garden

Friday, June 10, 2005

To Blog Or Not To Blog

How many times have we heard, [what's a blog]
If ya get serious blogging and see tha possibles:
Making Money; You might want to read this:
Blogging Your Way To Success
Blogs, blogs & more blogs
Las Vegas and Poker Blog

Monday, February 07, 2005

Send Gmail Invites Overseas

Send an Invite to a loved one or friend.
Our service people can store many pictures
keep all their letters from home and friends
Post email addy in comments or email

Sunday, February 06, 2005

Horseshoes from the Heart

An Organization of Merit
It is with great pleasure I mention such an outfit as this. Such warmth. Such joy on the faces of those participants who can enjoy these gifts. Horseshoes is a charitable organization. All donations are tax deductible

Sunday, January 30, 2005

Getting tha garden ready

Here it is late January 2005. Most areas are almost ready to plant. I have yet to get my seed potatoes, some other seeds I'm out of.  
I hate it when.   (should've done it)

Some updated 2005 pic's
More to come

This is the same area in 2003

Thursday, January 20, 2005

Haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog.

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

Mural painted on a wall

I tried to get a picture of this for a long time.
There was always cars parked in front of it.
[As the town might have appeared sometime in history]
Taken in Jacksonville TX 2004
Visit Jacksonville Texas